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LAD Newsletter 3

Welcome to the February 2013 Newsletter from the AAS Laboratory Astrophysics Division (LAD). Below we provide information on:

2nd Announcement of the First Laboratory Astrophysics Division meeting
How AAS members can join the LAD
How non-AAS members can join the LAD

For up-to-date information, we encourage you to regularly consult the LAD web pages at

 Second Announcement of the First LAD meeting

LAD Newsletter 1

Welcome to the first Newsletter from the AAS Laboratory Astrophysics Division (LAD). We apologize if you receive this more than once.

Here we provide information on:

How AAS members can join the LAD
How non-AAS members can join the LAD
Joining the LAD listserv

We encourage you to regularly consult the LAD web pages at for updated information

How AAS members can join the LAD