Are you interested in getting involved with public policy?
• Do you want to hear about how public policy influences your science?
Consider inviting one of the AAS Public Policy staff to your institution for a Policy Talk.
• Do you want first-hand experience advocating for your science with Congress in Washington, DC?
Consider volunteering for Congressional Visits Day (CVD).
CVD participants get some brief training on how policy impacts science. This usually includes conversations with agency representatives, staff at the Office of Management & Budget (OMB) and the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), and various science policy professionals. Participants will meet with their representatives and senators to discuss their science and the importance of federal support of their science.
Past CVD:
Date: 15-16 March, 2016
Location: Washington, DC; the AAS covers the majority of expenses, including hotel and air fare for these events
Sign-up form:
Blog post:
Do you want first-hand experience advocating for your science with Congress, but don’t want to travel to Washington, DC?
The AAS can support you for local visits with your member of Congress. Local visits can have the same impact as a DC visit. Check here for some general information/instruction on local visits, and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
You can check the AAS Public Policy pages at for more information on any of these programs and for other resources.