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Annual AAS/LAD Membership Drive

The LAD leadership would like to ask you to contact your laboratory astrophysics colleagues who are not AAS/LAD paid members or affiliates and encourage them to join.

New this year: We are pleased to offer awards for your recruitment efforts of new LAD paying members or affiliates --

  • Recruit one and receive an LAD logo pin.
  • Recruit three and receive a mug with the LAD and AAS logos.
  • Recruit five and receive an LAD polo shirt featuring the LAD logo.

Our future as a Division depends on increasing our number of engaged members. The current LAD membership stands at about 160. The next smallest Divisions have more than 300 members each (Historical Astronomy Division: 307; Division on Dynamical Astronomy: 347). Ultimately we need to reach similar numbers to ensure LAD's long-term viability.

As for determining who among your colleagues is not yet an LAD member, please review the roster of current members. You can find most other AAS members' contact info on the AAS online directory or refer to your printed 2016 AAS Membership Directory.

After you've identified your prospective members, please send an invitation to join using the customized emails below (each customized depending on the recipient's member status and location). Please feel free to tailor these boilerplates as you see fit.

Now is a great time to send your emails! AAS members will soon receive reminders to renew in the mail, and it will be easy for them to add LAD to their 2017 Society membership. Note that the annual drive and its incentives will end on 31 December 2016.

Thank you very much for supporting our Division. Please let the LAD Secretary know if you have any questions.

Best regards, LAD Leadership