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LAD Newsletter 2

Welcome to the second Newsletter from the AAS Laboratory Astrophysics
Division (LAD). Here we provide information on:

* 1st Announcement of the First Laboratory Astrophysics Division meeting
* LAD sponsored session at the 2013 HEAD meeting
* How AAS members can join the LAD
* How non-AAS members can join the LAD

For up-to-date information, we encourage you to regularly consult the
LAD web pages at


First Announcement of the First LAD meeting

The first LAD meeting will be held jointly with the AAS summer meeting
from June 2-6, 2013, in Indianapolis, IN.  The meeting will feature an
AAS plenary speaker in laboratory astrophysics; LAD sessions devoted to
atoms, molecules, dust and ices, plasmas, planetary science, nuclear,
and particles; and an LAD poster session to run the duration of the
meeting.  Each session will feature two invited 30 minute talks and two
contributed 15 minute talks.  Abstract submission for contributed talks
and posters will open around 01 Feb 2013 and run till about 01 Mar 2013.

Here now is a list of invited speakers who have accepted and their
tentative presentation titles.


Christopher Fontes
Atomic data and modeling supernova light curves
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Roberto Mancini
Z-pinch laboratory photoionized plasma experiments relevant for astrophysics
University of Nevada at Reno


DeWayne Halfen
Microwave observations of molecules in the lab and space
University of Arizona

Second invitation pending

Dust and Ices

Stephen Rinehart
Astrophysical dust: observations and laboratory studies.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Karin Oberg
Ice and surface chemistry: observations and measurements
University of Virginia


Sergey Lebedev
Laboratory studies of magnetized jets and radiative shocks
Imperial College

Burkhard Militzer
Separation in giant planet interiors: novel first-principles simulation
of plasmas
University of California, Berkeley

Planetary Science:

Silvia Protopapa
Ice and refractories in the inner coma of comets
University of Maryland

Second invitation pending


Luke Roberts
Core collapse supernovae: neutrino emission and nucleosynthesis

Second invitation pending


Igor V. Moskalenko
Theory of cosmic rays
Stanford University

Carsten Rott
IceCube and indirect dark matter searches
Ohio State University

Additional meeting logistical information will be posted at as it becomes available.


LAD sponsored session at the 2013 HEAD meeting

The HEAD Thirteenth Divisional Meeting, 2013, will be held from April
7-11, 2013, at the Portola Hotel and Spa, in Monterey, California.  The
LAD is sponsoring a session entitled "Bridging Laboratory and High
Energy Astrophysics".  This session will feature three 30 minutes talks.
Here is a list of the invited speakers, all of whom have accepted, and
their tentative titles:

Stan Woosley
Nucleosynthesis in supernovae
University of California at Santa Cruz

Carolyn Kuranz
Laboratory simulations of supernova blast waves
University of Michigan

Jelle Kaastra
Spectral modeling of cosmic atomic plasmas
Space Research Organization Netherlands

Logistical information about the HEAD meeting is available at

Abstract submission is now open, with a due date of January 17, 2013.


How AAS members can join LAD

The AAS Membership renewal season has begun.  Information is available
from the AAS webpage

One can also join through the LAD Membership page

When you renew your AAS membership, you will also be able to join the
LAD, pay the associated dues, and make donations to the division.


How non-AAS members can join LAD

1. Join the AAS and select the LAD as your division.  This is the way to
show the strongest possible support for the LAD.   If you will be
attending LAD or other AAS meetings, then this is also the financially
advantageous path.  Information is available from the AAS webpage

2. Join the LAD as an affiliate member, if you are a member of another
recognized professional organization with interests related to
laboratory astrophysics.  Those interested in becoming affiliate members
can join through the LAD membership page

The Bylaws require that an application for affiliate membership shall be
sponsored by at least two regular members of the Division.  If you are
interested in joining but do not know two LAD members, please submit
your application anyway.  It will be vetted by the LAD Steering
Committee for approval.
